artists Arts & Entertainment children inspiration music

Teach Your Children

Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young wrote: “Teach Your Children.” The song appears on the group’s album, Deja Vue. The lyrics pertain to the difficult relationship Nash had with his father, who spent time in prison. Nash has talked about songwriting in these terms: “The idea is that you write something so personal that every single person on the planet can relate to it. Once it’s there, it unfolds outward, so that it applies to almost any situation.”

In another quote, Nash says, “When I wrote ‘Teach Your Children,’ we didn’t know what we were doing. It was like: ‘This sounds pretty fun. We can sing this! Let’s do it!’ And then, all of a sudden, people are singing it back to me forty years later.”

Graham Nash is a photographer as well as a great musician and songwriter. Soon after writing “Teach Your Children,” Nash visited an art gallery and saw two photographs hung side by side. The photographs clarified the meaning of the song for Nash. One photo, by Diane Arbus, is titled “Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park.” The other is Arnold Newman’s portrait of German industrialist Alfried Krupp, the man who manufactured arms for World Wars I and II.

In a Songfacts interview, Nash told this story about the two photos: “I have never told any gallery owner how to hang my images. They know their space way better than me, and I’m always curious as to how they put images together. And in this particular show, the gallery put these two photos together. The photos made me realize that if we didn’t teach our children a better way of dealing with our fellow human beings, we were fucked. Humanity was in great danger.”

Now, this is me talking. I often feel that art comes from somewhere else. Let’s call it “The Great Beyond.” To me, a serious artist is a channeler of messages from The Beyond through the prism of his or her experiences and personality. These messages want to come through and be heard by a large audience. “Teach Your Children” is a good illustration of this idea. Here’s my cover.

Arts & Entertainment inspiration motivation music

Speaking Love And Encouragement

“The time that’s left is yours to keep.” These words come at the end of the chorus of the song “See Here She Says” by Kate Wolf.

While I find all of the lyrics in this song beautiful, this sentence hit me in the center of my heart. I can picture a mother teaching a child about life. She is telling the child about the importance of dreams and to use his or her time wisely. Use it well, not only for yourself but for others.

Certainly, love, beauty, and a full range of human emotions come through Kate Wolf’s music. “See Here She Says” is a remarkable song because it speaks to children and adults alike with an ocean of love and understanding. Interestingly, the word “sea” appears at the beginning of the first verse.

Perhaps I can feel Kate’s heart even more now that she has passed into spirit.

Please enjoy my cover of “See Here She Said.”

inspiration life motivation personal growth

The Two Selves

The light (infinite self) and the individual self (ego) are not opposites. They can be seen as different positions on a continuous spectrum.

The two selves can work together beneficially for the individual and for the world.

The fear of being destroyed by the light is only seaweed carried away by the outgoing tide.

inspiration motivation personal growth reflections

To Wit

Life is a walking meditation.

And life is infinitely more interesting when I realize I am not here to fit in.

inspiration life motivation personal growth


I am







Beyond Thought

Beyond Concepts

Within the Heart

acoustic guitar Arts & Entertainment inspiration music


Eva Cassidy is a perennial favorite of mine. When I saw a “Songbird” tutorial pop up on Jerry’s Guitar Bar, I couldn’t resist. Here’s my cover of Eva’s beautiful song.

inspiration motivation musings personal growth


Let me be the greatness that I am

Let me revel in my human divinity

Let me be the being that you created in all aspects of myself

Nothing more

Nothing less

inspiration musings personal growth reflections

The Place To Be

I want to be there. It’s better over there.

Doing that.


Take a breath. 

If I’m not here now, it won’t be better over there. 

I am here. Now. Doing what I’m doing. 

If it’s not good enough, I will make it better. 

Right here.

Right now.

inspiration life motivation personal growth

A Prayer

Let Me Be a Conductor of Light and Energy rather than a Resistor

inspiration life motivation personal growth

Everything Will Come to You

Everything will come to you in its due time. Do you want peace? It will come to you. Do you want love? It will come to you. Do you want joy? It will come to you. All you have to do is keep intending and act on your intentions. Then, reap the rewards of what you have sown. And then, keep intending and acting.